- April 12, 2014
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Term paper writing
German workers expected to change the existing social order either through social revolution or otherwise. Basically, the revolutionary way of changing the situation was the main way for German workers because they did not believe the upper class would have ever refused from its privileged position and share their wealth with workers. Workers believed they should not share the wealth they created with the upper class. They were aware of the fact that the only thing they need to do was to stop working for the upper class and start working for themselves.
At the same time, German workers had to work hard to earn for living and they could hardly take part in the organized struggle against the oppressing upper-class. They could hardly organize the revolution but they needed to unite their efforts, at least at the local level to confront capitalists and force them to meet the needs of working people. On the other hand, workers see the organized resistance and unionization as the most realistic and proximate way to the improvement of their position in Germany. The unionization and organized struggle at the local level could pave the way to the larger scale organized struggle and probably the revolution in which the working class would overthrow the upper class and eliminate class division of the society. As the position of German workers became unbearable, they grew aware of the necessity to change the existing social order that contributed to the radicalization of the working class. In addition, they were vulnerable to the impact of socialist ideas and ideas of Karl Marx, who promoted the idea of the social revolution and predicted the extinction of the upper-class, while the working class was the major force that would bring the social revolution to victory.
German workers were accustomed to their lifestyle. They elaborated their values, culture and norms which they followed, while norms and values of the upper class were absolutely hostile and strange to them. Hence, they contempt to the upper class was enormous. The common values and culture enhanced the unity of the working class. In addition, massive economic and technological changes inspired workers to expect the soon elimination of the upper class and improvement of their position since they were the only ones who used complex machines, while the upper class did nothing but ripped off profits from exploited workers.
At any rate, German workers understand their economic significance in the life of the entire nation. They were aware of the lion share of the national wealth they produced. On the other hand, their contribution to the national wealth did not correspond to their earnings and the share of the national wealth they received in terms of wages. In such a way, German workers felt their power as the class but they saw no reason for the existence of the upper class, which did nothing but exploited them. Therefore, they believed that they could work without the upper class perfectly, while peasants and other classes could join the working class as the industrialization kept progressing and pushed Germany toward the global leadership as one of the major powers in the world.
Thus, the position of German workers was unbearable and they pleaded for changes urgently because the ongoing exploitation of workers by the upper class was unaffordable for them. Workers felt their unity as the class with the common values, norms and culture. They felt contempt in relation to the upper class and capitalism as the system that brought to the top level of the social hierarchy people, who did nothing for the creation of the national wealth but lived due to exploitation of workers. Hence, workers were ready to the revolutionary struggle to change their position for better.