- July 30, 2012
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Sample essay papers
I want to begin this paper from the state name explaining. I think that it will help us to be closer to the topic and answer on the main question: “Is water quality a problem in Minnesota?” Minnesota ”“ is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States and toponym “Minnesota” was related at first to the river, I want to add that on the language of American Indians it means “the water coloured by the sky” or “blue water”. It was long time ago when rivers were pure and forests were virgin… Nowadays situation is straight opposite and rivers are polluted. After viewing important for my paper information it was disturbing to see how much water is polluted. It is well known fact that Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes, and if to be honest, it is really the land of over 12,000 lakes, miles of natural rivers and streams, and drinkable groundwater. This data is true, but for a great regret water quality not became better, only worse and worse. A person pollutes the environment for many years but now is time to stop it and change situation. Â The issue of water pollution in the world is one of the most concerning problems people face.
As you see from the beginning of this paper the main question concludes in the next: Is water quality a problem in Minnesota? What is the problem causing pollutions? The answer is “yes” for the first question and let’s answers more detailed for the second question.
The primary problem of water pollution shows us that people by own active actions pollute water from day to day.
We can conclude that Minnesota has problems with water quality and these problems are mainly depending from the human activity and than from other factors. Based on information presented in the Internet source we can make a conclusion that “ground-water and surface-water quality is one of the most critical concerns in the State of Minnesota. The major water-quality issue in Minnesota is preserving the quality of public drinking-water supply.
Water-resource planning and water-quality assessment require a nationwide database with standardized information for planning and assessment of water resources. Thus, the chemical and physical quality of rivers, streams, and ground water need to be monitored and defined to effectively manage the resource to meet needs of the people of Minnesota and our present and future customers.” (http://mn.water.usgs.gov)
The next two reasons of water pollution consist in biological deterioration and global impact. I think that these two reasons are tightly connected with each other and that’s why I decided to unite them in one paragraph. According to the www.pca.state.mn.us “as people build cabins, homes, towns, and cities, the quality of the water often reflects their land use decisions and choices that were made in the past. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency estimates that about 40% of all lakes and rivers in the state are biologically “impaired.” Similarly, water can reflect global history and current practices that might alter species compositions and impact lakes, streams, and groundwater.
Global warming, atmospheric mercury pollution and acid rain are examples of global impacts.”
For the conclusion I want to say that everyday we try to protect our life and health but we don’t want to protect our planet health. Minnesota’s rivers and lakes, I also mean ground-water and surface-water need our help and protection. We found the main reasons of pollution and we should stop to pollute surrounding area and be more attentive to the water. Quality of our water is in our hands and we should use this chance and improve situation.
There is one document Clean Water Legacy Act which reflects the aims of water protection. I want to quote it for the end of my paper because it is important to know and remember every day. “The purpose of the Clean Water Legacy Act is to protect, restore, and preserve the quality of Minnesota’s surface waters by providing authority, direction, and resources to achieve and maintain water quality standards for surface waters as required by section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, United States Code, title 33, section 1313(d), and applicable federal regulations.” (http://mn.water.usgs.gov)