Essay on Christian parents and Marriage

Question 4. What key insights do victims of abuse offer to Christian parents?

It is clear that victims of abuse are ready to share their problems with others. Christian parents are those people who can provide support to their Christian children. One of the most important insights victims of abuse can offer to Christian parents is children “as subjects, as beings capable of religious understanding, as dependents of parents who do not exist solely to serve children’s needs , do have family duties and responsibilities” (Rubio 162). As Christian parents should take care both of their own children and the children of others, it is their duty to support victims of abuse. As a rule, Christian parents should follow the major Christian traditions. Christian parenting requires more than just focusing on the family. Robio argues that many Christian parents experience love, but it is true that in many cases “children can act as God’s instruments by inspiring anger and professional hate” (160). It means that human beings are weak as they cannot control their emotions and feelings.

Question 5. What evidence does Rubio provide for the claim that the Christian tradition allows other-parents to care for children? Do you find this evidence convincing?

I think that Rubio’s evidence is convincing. It is known that the Christian tradition allows other ”“parents to care for children. Godparents can be viewed as “the primary example of the respect the Christian tradition”, in accordance with Rubio (154). Godparents play the role of religious educators for children, as they help children to follow the Christian tradition, to love God and educate them in the faith.

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Question 2.Can marriages end?

I am sure that marriages cannot end. Marriage is the union of Christ and the church. Marriages will always exist in our society because both men and women follow the Christian traditions. Moreover, a happy marriage produces children. It is known that John Paul II defines children as a gift of God. It means that children occupy a special place in family relationships. Parents should take care of their children. In marriage, children have an opportunity to live a happy life, without pain and suffering, because both parents take care of them and show them their love and respect.

Question 4. Is it unrealistic to ask divorced parents to remain two in one flesh?

I think that today it is realistic to ask divorced parents to remain in one flesh. The biblical understanding of marriage is focused on the concept that in marriage the two become one flesh. Divorced parents can remain in one flesh in order to “put the children’s needs first” (Rubio 179). It is known that Christian church provides support to divorced couples through counseling, special healing rituals and through the activity of support groups. That is why divorced couples can easily ask for advice and Christian church will give clear explanation to this or that situation. Divorced parents agree to live separately, but their children symbolize unity. It means that God has joined them together and “no human being may separate” (Rubio 179). The relationships between divorced couples have an enormous impact on the lives of their children. The major duty of divorced parents is to show their children that they continue to love and take care of them. Moreover, divorced parents should prove the fact that they respect each other and “do not feel uncomfortable in one another’s presence”, although they are no longer in love and live separately.

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