Essay on Communication with colleagues and clients

SMART Goal 1: Leadership Development

Leadership development SMART goal. The improvement of my communication with colleagues and clients
Summarize your accomplishment of this goal to date; what did you learn? I have already improved consistently my communication style that contributed to the improvement of my leadership style. I have learned to listen people. Even though I still interrupt them sometimes but I do try listening them and respond them giving positive feedback when necessary. As I used to have difficulties in my communication style in the past, I grew aware of its negative impact on my leadership style since the poor communication undermined my authority among my subordinates and clients. I used to interrupt my interlocutors frequently and failed to listen to them. Now, I have learned how to listen to people, while talking to them and I try to minimize instances of interruption of my interlocutors in my communication style.
Identify any challenges that you faced in attempting to achieve your goals and document this in the form. Describe the challenges in detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was there anything you were not able to discover? In the course of my work on my problem, I have faced a number of challenges. First, some of my colleagues did not believe I could have ever changed my communication style. Our relationships we tense, so I had difficulties while learning to listen to them and not interrupting them. Another problem I faced was my emotional overload. During my work I am exposed to enormous impact of stressors. Hence, the emotional and psychological tension often prevented me from controlling my emotions during my conversation. As a result, I often slipped to interrupting my interlocutors without even listening to them.
Explain the problem-solving techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problems and challenges. Were there barriers in meeting your learning outcomes? To tackle my problems I focused on the understanding of reasons and primary causes of my problems. For instance, I used critical thinking to understand why my communication with certain people went wrong. When I identified those causes I tried to eliminate them. For instance, I became aware whether I like some people or not I have to communicate with them and to facilitate my communication I have to learn how to listen to them and persuade them to take my side. I also understood how important to make my reason prevail over my emotions.
Describe what change you will make in your behavior as a leader in the next month based on your experiences so far. How has the learning changed your behavior or attitude? If you were the leader/manager, what could you have done better? As a leader, I will carry on improving my communication style. I have to learn to stop interrupting people at all. Moreover, I should provide my subordinates with a positive model of behavior during my communication.



SMART Goal 2: Organizational Planning

Organizational planning SMART goal Creating a weekly schedule was my organizational goal.
Summarize your accomplishment of this goal to date; what did you learn? Before, I used to have some problems with my self-organization and planning my working and learning. Now, I have managed to improve my organizational skills through the development of weekly schedules. I have learned how to plan my weekly schedule and more important I have learned how to fulfill the planned schedule. At any rate, the last week, I have almost fully accomplished my schedule.
Identify any challenges that you faced in attempting to achieve your goals and document this in the form. Describe the challenges in detail, including who or what made this challenging. Was there anything you were not able to discover? In the course of my work on the improvement of my organizational skills and developing my scheduling abilities, I have faced several challenges. First, I had to learn how to forecast the future within a week time, since I was aware that some issues could change and I had to introduce changes in my weekly schedule. Second, I had to develop concise but realistic schedule. For instance, one week my schedule was concise but unrealistic that I learned on the first day of the week, when I fulfilled only 60% if my day activities. Finally, self-control and sticking to the schedule was quite difficult.
Explain the problem-solving techniques you used to overcome any actual or potential problems and challenges.  Were there barriers in meeting your learning outcomes? To overcome my problems, I focused on short-run scheduling. For instance, at first, I tried to plan a day, next time, I tried to schedule three days. Eventually I extended the schedule to a week. After each schedule period, I conducted in depth analysis, identified my errors or problems and attempted to eliminate them to complete my plan successfully.
Describe what change you will make in your behavior as a leader in the next month based on your experiences so far. How has the learning changed your behavior or attitude? If you were the leader/manager, what could you have done better? Now, I will focus on longer scheduling. I am going to try a month or a quarter schedule. Such scheduling and planning are very important for the leader and, as a leader, I should encourage my employees to develop their own schedules to perform their functions well.


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