Essay on Process Improvement Problem

In actuality, the process improvement is extremely important for individuals and organizations in terms of their development and overall progress. In fact, both individuals and organizations need consistent improvements in their performance which is impossible without process improvement. In this regard, the process improvement problem is the matter of the progress of an individual or organization, while those individuals and organizations, who refuse from process improvement are doomed to failure because they will be just unable to compete with other individuals and organizations.

In fact, the essence of the process improvement is the improvement of processes that influence an individual or organizational performance. In this regard, some specialists (Benoff & Grauman, 194)) place emphasis on the fact that the process improvement is crucial for the progress of organizations and individuals because the development of technologies and changes in business environment lead to the change in the position of individuals and organizations compared to other individuals and organizations. They have to conduct process improvement to keep progressing. Otherwise, they will stop in their development that means that they will be doomed to failure in the competitive struggle. In fact, the individual and organizational performance affects consistently individual and organizational progress.

Thus, the process improvement problem is crucial for both individuals and organizations. They cannot ignore process improvement because this is the matter of their improvement and overall progress.

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