It is known that in order to be successful in the globalized world companies have to become innovative organizations. Management has to engage the workforce to experimenting, creating, and finding non-standard effective solutions; that will enable this organization to become or maintain its leadership positions. Alistair decides not to mention the name of the executive who was responsible for the conflict because this person has received any benefit from it but followed only moral obligation to save lives. War is war and any civil rules aren’t applicable there. But the discussion about the moral values of the company’s management must be initiated by Alistair. Could saving of people’s lives in the conflict zones through use of unethical tools be justified by the top management? Depending on the answer, organizations have to learn from its mistakes, and deal with powerful negative consequences of its decision making. In addition, it has to be emphasized that pharmaceutical company has to find other ways of the life-saving drugs delivery arrangement into the conflict zones.
Hoffman (130) claims that transnational corporations such as presented pharmaceutical company are no longer seen simply as private but as social organizations. And therefore if community depends on the drugs supplied by the company, the local authorities have to participate in arrangement of drugs delivery to avoid the illegal schemes that involve bribery and corruption of the local officers. It is a social not simply a business matter and government and community should intervene and suggest some organizational help.
 In accordance to McManus (2011) there may different results of any strategic decisions that can bring benefits and disadvantages or even harm. Ethic in business becomes very important in global economy, as many customers pay a lot attention to the business ethics issue. Business ethic also relates to internal factors. The performance of the company on the international markets and business ethics are closely connected with each other, while ethic responsibility is the central subject of discussion.
Ethics is a part everyday business activity and professionals have to find new ways to understand and resolve the all of the conflicts and dilemmas, including cultural, they encounter at their work places. The appliance of the ethics and cultural sensitivity in business means that first of all we need to be able to moral values more carefully and to understand more fully the reasons that underlie, develop capacity for moral reasoning by learning to sort out all of the arguments that bear upon moral problems and apply them to concrete work situations. (Sims, 2002)
To sum up, taking into account the analysis of the present ethical dilemma, we would suggest that top management should be informed about the unorthodox contracts and make a specific decision judging on certain situation. Simple and effective procedure of management’s inquiry procession would help to receive a quick feedback. Ethic message may be successfully shared by the Western companies on an international scale, but certain elements of the home office ethics program have to be amended to respond to local values and concerns. (Hoffman 153)
In addition, it has to be noted that multinational ethics programs will be effective if the developers of the program realize how the culturally-based ethical beliefs influence certain business practice. This understanding can illuminate critical areas where ethical conflicts are likely to occur between top management based in Western country and local employees, increasing the likelihood that such conflicts can be avoided. It can also give the managers responsible for legal issues and audit new insight into alternative approaches for encouraging ethical practices which might be effective in overseas locations. The raising of cross-cultural awareness helps to improve communication between corporate headquarters and the local offices, and communication is central element in designing ethics programs which are meaningful to employees of the local office. (Megone and Robinson 43)