In terms of the current study, subjects were divided into three groups to assess the impact of mass media on their behavior. Subjects comprising the three groups were of different racial and cultural background and gender. The age of subjects involved in the observation was approximately similar and was 20 ”“ 22. The first group of subjects watched violent movies and news reports. In such a way, the researcher attempted to reveal the impact of violent mass media on individuals. In fact, if mass media do have a considerable impact on individuals, their behavioral patterns are likely to change after watching violent movies and news reports. In such a way, the first group was supposed to reveal the impact of violent media on their behavior that would help to reveal the overall impact of mass media on individuals.
The second group of subjects watched comedies and entertainment programs. In fact, this group was also exposed to the impact of mass media which affected emotions of the subjects consistently. The main point of involvement of this group in the study was to reveal the impact of positive emotions generated by mass media on the behavior of individuals, their cultural values, views and beliefs. In such a way, the research could help to identify the impact of positive message of mass media on subjects.
Finally, the third group of subjects avoided watching television and using other media. This was the control group. This group should be compared to other groups in the course of observation. This group avoided the exposure of subject to the impact of mass media that could help to prevent the impact of mass media on the behavior of subjects of the study.
After that, each group was observed in the natural environment and typical features of their behavior were identified. To put it more precisely, the first and the second groups were exposed to the impact of mass media. In the course of the exposure, subjects were observed by the researcher. After the exposure, the three groups of subjects were observed in their natural environment and regular life, while the researcher made notes on specific patterns of behavior in subjects. At the same time, all subjects were observed before the experiment to compare and to identify changes in their behavior before and after the experiment. In such a way, the researcher could identify the difference and changes in their behavior.
The group that was exposed to the impact of violent media manifested the higher degree of aggression compared to another group of subjects and control group. The group of subject that watched comedies and entertainment programs was friendlier in the regular communication compared to other groups, especially the group that watched violent media. Therefore, subjects involved in the study revealed the fact that the exposure of individuals to violent mass media increased the risk of the development of aggressive behavioral patterns, whereas the exposure of individuals to comedies and entertainment programs increased the positive attitude of subjects to their social environment and helped them to develop friendly relations with other people.
Conclusion and recommendations
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that different methods can be applied to conduct the study. Each method has its strengths and limitations. Interviews are very effective, when the researcher needs to obtain the broad view of subjects on the specific, target issue of the study, such as the topic of the current study, the impact of mass media on the behavior and culture of individuals. Therefore, individuals involved in interviews helped to reveal their view on the impact of mass media and they proved that media have a considerable impact on their behavior. Similarly, the questionnaire led to similar findings. However, subjects were limited in their response options because they had to choose from the list of options provided by the researcher. In this regard, the questionnaire helped to identify specific issues related to the topic of the study but outcomes were similar to those of interviews. Finally, observation also helped to reveal the impact of mass media on behavior and culture of individuals but the interference of the researcher was minimal, while subjects were observed in their natural environment. Therefore, the use of diverse methods proved to be quite effective in terms of the current study. Consequently, different methods of analysis can be used in the course of the study. However, researchers should remember that they should choose the method on the ground of their research design and goals of their study. Otherwise, methods may be ineffective in their study, while these methods may be effective in other studies, which have a different design and goals.