Written Annotated Bibliography

“Why China’s Youth Find Western Culture Attractive.” PBSNewshour. (2012): n. page. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. <>.

In the report “Why China’s Youth Find Western Culture Attractive”, Kathleen McLaughlin, the Beijing correspondent for GlobalPost discusses the issue concerning the growing influence of Western culture in Chinese society. It is found that the West has enormous influence in all spheres of human activity, including clothes, food, movies. In most cases, Chinese culture makes different Western influences its own. Many Western brands have already become a part of Chinese society. According to the opinion of the President Hu Jintao, today China’s culture is infiltrated by Western culture. It is known that the government has already set some limits on mass media in China. For example, they issued several edicts that practically stopped the functioning of some popular TV shows. The influence of Western culture can be found in the Internet.

Bruch, Debra. “The Impact of Western Economy on Chinese Culture.” Peace Colloquy (2002): Web. 26 Jun 2011. <>.

In the article “The Impact of Western Economy on Chinese Culture”, Debra Bruch discusses the issue concerning the impact of Western economy on Chinese culture. She recalls the massive demonstration organized by the university students in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. The student’s action represented a fundamental American cultural value ”“ individualism. It is known that the Chinese government officials regarded this incident as a true example of danger to the political structure of China. Debra Bruch states that many students and intellectuals, as well as some politicians wanted to implement some Western economic principles in order to carry out reforms in the country. It is found that China considered that Western economy is focused on democracy, and the foundation of democracy is always individualism. When the students and intellectuals in China practiced individualism, the government saw individualism as a threat to the culture and political power in China.


In the article “Cultural confrontation and Compromise: the response of Non-Western Societies to Western Political Ideas”, Ho-Ill Lee pays special attention to non-Western societies’ responses to Western political ideas and religions. The author states that the introduction of the elements of Western cultures into non-Western societies can arouse a so called deep cultural strain and even conflicts in these societies at different levels. Ho-Ill Lee examines similarities and differences between Western and non-Western cultures and proves the role of international diffusion of culture. The author states that Western cultures have great influence on many non-Western societies.

Jiang. “Chinese Cultural Studies.” Concise Political History of China (1995) Web.26Jun2011.< html>.

This resource refers to Chinese cultural studies and discusses the major aspects of the political history of China. Jiang as a well-known Chinese leader calls for vigilance against the efforts by the West to subvert the government of China. This resource discusses the major historical periods of Chinese culture, including the early history, the Shang Dynasty, the Chou Dynasty, the Ch’n Empire, the Han Empire, the period of disunity, the Sui Dynasty, the T’ang Dynasty, the Sung Dynasty, the Yang dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Ching Dynasty, the Chinese revolutions, and the formation of the People’s Republic of China. Each of the historical periods has its own distinctive features in relation to cultural development of the country.


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