Essay on It is known that today the issue concerning homeland security is widely discussed in our society. The United States faced “a profound transformation”

It is known that today the issue concerning homeland security is widely discussed in our society. The United States faced “a profound transformation” in the years since terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Today homeland security is included in the US education system (Jones & Givens 35).  Homeland Security discipline addresses the most important homeland security issues and guarantees quality instruction and information to the students. It addresses not only the concerns regarding terrorism in the USA and abroad, but also the concerns on both natural and man-made disasters (Kemp 28). Homeland security is directed on the nation’s protection through effective implementation of different public programs and policies. The main homeland security threats for the United States include biological threats, cyber threats, nuclear threats, chemical threats, radiological threats, and conventional violence threats (Hutton & Mydlarz 2). It is interesting to notice that homeland security is a discipline of an American origin and today it is not widely spread in other countries of the world.

Michael Mambrey is a specialist in Homeland Security and a professor at the Eastern Kentucky University. He is 49. He spent 5 years as a border patrol agent and knows a lot about homeland security issues. In addition, he served on the US Department of Justice’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council.  He is also known as a contributing writer to the local newspaper and has published several articles about homeland security issues. He is a good specialist who shares his knowledge and experience with students of Homeland Security Department.

I met with Mr. Mambrey in the hall of the University in order to learn more about his profession and about the major homeland security problems faced by the US citizens. In the face to face interview, I had an opportunity to ask Mr. Mambrey how to avoid terrorist attacks and how to encourage the citizens of our country to be more attentive to homeland security issues.

Mr. Mambrey invited me to have a cup of coffee at the University café. He agreed to answer all my questions. In addition, he allowed me to visit one of his classes and see how his students were involved in the academic process. I asked Mr. Mambrey: “You are known as a good specialist in Homeland Security. What is the major goal of your activity in the sphere of education?” Mr. Mambrey gave a smile and said: “I am ready to help students to learn more about the significant role of homeland security. It is known that homeland security can be viewed as the protection of the US citizens against any extreme threats. Today’s the US citizens should be aware of their role in the nation’s development and protection.” Then, he paused for a minute and continued with grave countenance: “For the USA, a new period of history began on September 11, 2001, when the USA was attacked by the terrorists, thrusting security issues to the top of the national agenda. Of course, Homeland Security is a new discipline of study and practice. My major goal is to provide students with the appropriate information on homeland security”.

I knew that Mr. Mambrey served at the US Border Patrol; that is why I decided to learn more about his personal experience in homeland security issues. I asked him: “How does your experience as a border patrol agent help you in your teaching practice at the University?” He was very serious. It seemed to me that he knew some secret information which he did not want to share with me. He said: “Yes, I have a huge experience in this field. When I served in the US Border Patrol, a well-known federal law enforcement agency within Customs and Border Protection (CBP), I faced a lot of problems connected with immigration issues. Today I am ready to share my knowledge and experience about homeland security practice with others”. He looked at me and added: “I inform my students of new laws and regulations, methods and strategies in the field of homeland security. For example, I told them that in November 2005, the US Border Patrol agency published new national strategy, the major goal of which is operational control of the country’s border. This strategy has the following goals: to apprehend terrorists and illegal weapons entering the United States, prevent illegal entries through improved law enforcement actions, detect and deter drug smugglers and the smugglers of humans, provide effective contraband control, reduce crime rate in border communities and improve the quality of life of the local people. My students are well-informed and can easily apply their knowledge in practice”.

Then, Mr. Mambrey consulted his watch and said that he had only 5 minutes left. That day he had a lecture in Homeland Security for the students of the of bachelor degree program. He said that I could join him. The professor’s lecture was one of the lectures of the foundation course Introduction in Homeland Security. It was very interesting for me to participate in this activity and I decided to join Mr. Mambrey. He gave me a smile and said that after the lecture, he would ask me some questions too. I was glad to become a student again, and I said: “I hope you will give me a good grade, Professor Mambrey”. He smiled again.

When we entered the classroom, the students were ready to start their work. Their eyes were full of interest. I realized that Mr. Mambrey was really an excellent teacher. His communication and listening skills helped him to attract the students’ attention. Mr. Mambrey gave the lecture in which he discussed the major principles and practices associated with the discipline of homeland security, including some important policies, directives, national plans, laws and regulations that help to shape and homeland security in the United States. It was very interesting for me to know that to improve coordination and communication among all levels in the fight against terrorist attacks, President Bush signed Homeland Security Presidential Directive in 2002 and established the Homeland Security Advisory System. This system served as the basis for an approach to provide a simple communications structure for the dissemination of the appropriate information regarding the risk of possible terrorist attacks to all levels of government and the public. I saw that many students were making notes, and some students used voice recorders.

After the lecture, Mr. Mambrey said: “Ok, it’s time to answer my questions!” He asked the students a number of questions, and practically all students gave correct answers. Then, Mr. Mambrey asked me: “What threat conditions are contained in the HSAS?” I was a little bit embarrassed by the question. I smiled and then looked at one of the students who showed me his green plastic card and said: “green – low condition, blue -guarded condition, yellow – elevated condition, orange – high condition and red – severe condition”. Mr. Mambrey said: “I am perfectly satisfied, thank you”.

When all the students of the group left the classroom, I came up to Mr. Mambrey and said: “Mr. Mambrey, I really must thank you for your lecture and your interview. I hope that you will succeed in your teaching career. I really like your lecture. It was very interesting. Moreover, I really like your students who are well-educated and open to communication. I am sure that they will become good specialists in the nearest future and will apply their knowledge and personal experience in practice, providing homeland security of our nation”. Mr. Mambrey was well pleased. He wished me good luck and returned to the classroom in order to give a lecture in Homeland Security to another group of students.

The interview with Professor Mambrey helped me to better understand the role of homeland security in the life of our society. All citizens of our country should realize that only effective methods and strategies can help to provide the nation’s protection. Homeland Security education guarantees effectiveness in this sphere as only well-trained specialists will be able to address the major homeland security concerns. Today colleges and universities in the United States offer bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and a number of certification programs in the field of homeland security (Homeland Security Bachelor’s Degree). The major goal of these programs is to educate leaders, criminal justice and law enforcement officials in the field of homeland security.

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