Essay on Lake Central School Corp

Thinking about one of the most significant campaigns in our community for last few years, the Central Lake high school change seems to be the most relevant for discussion. Notwithstanding the legal hardships it met recently, appropriate initiative is worth to be called successful eventually.

Let’s remind that campaign towards Central Lake high school rebuilding was in large part initiated by Lake Central School Corp. It will not be surprising to say that it became the most impactful to the entire concept’s promotion and eventual approval. On November, the The Lake Central School Board proposed residents to answer next question during the referendum: “Shall the Lake Central School Corp., Lake County, Indiana, issue bonds and/or enter into a lease to finance new construction to replace the majority of Lake Central High School and construct a new Protsman Elementary School which is estimated to cost no more than $160,000,000 and is estimated to increase the property tax rate for debt service by $0.20 per $100?” (Renderman). It is well known that Lake Central School Corporation was approved for appropriate business by major members of community.

So, what does the rebuilding of Central Lake high school proposes to residents? Among the issues, there are 1) down older parts of the high school elimination, 2) building a vocational center, 3) a competitive gym, 4) a media center, 5) constructing a three-story academic building, 6) fine arts wing, 7) new pool and auditorium. Building of construction of a large center passageway running across the entire school stands out from the entire list of changes, as this innovation seeks to deal with the most troubling problem of overcrowding. The finish of project is expected in 2014.

Aiming to answer the question, whether campaign efforts were succeeded, we still should refer to the results of referendum. Seemingly, residents’ approval seems to be the most convincing fact about campaign’s success. Obviously, we cannot estimate the success comprehensively, as it will be ended in few years only. Changes’ influence to citizens will be evaluated later. However, this project is looking pretty promising. Speaking about the success of campaign, we also should remind that some of Lake Central School Corp. initiatives were not supported by community just few months later. By changing focus from administration to students, it was benefited by its efforts rewarding.  In this way, the company found the way to balance between own interests and people’s views. As for me, such kind of consensus is the success by itself.

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