Background of the problem
Today, the use of wireless technologies becomes more and more popular but the wide application of wireless technologies raises a number of problems related to their secure and reliable performance. In fact, wireless technologies have emerged since the late 1990s ”“ early 2000s but developers of wireless technologies did not always take into consideration possible problems that may arise in the course of the implementation of wireless technologies, such as WLAN. In actuality, the main problem related to the use of wireless technologies is their reliability and security because often wireless securities are vulnerable to the unauthorized access, whereas, in case of natural disasters, they often fail to perform their functions properly. In such a context, the main question of the current research arises: what the major risks and threats contemporary wireless technologies are facing and what the effective ways of the protection of data and improvement of information security are.
Statement of the problem
The emergence of information technologies and telecommunication systems contribute to the wider introduction of wireless technologies, which facilitate the communication and data sharing, but, on the other hand, they raise the problem of the data protection and private information security.
Purpose of the study
In terms of the current study, it is possible to identify three major problems or threats that can undermine the performance of wireless technologies, including natural disasters, hacking and cracking, and cyber crimes. These problems can be divided into two major groups, including natural disasters and human-induced disasters. Natural disasters may lead to failures in the stable performance of wireless technologies, for instance, when signals and microwaves fail to be transmitted under the impact of the weather conditions. However, today, human induced disasters, caused by hacking/cracking or illegal cyber activities, are more serious because they lead to information breaches, identity theft, unauthorized access to private information and other problems, whereas wireless technologies often fail to provide the high level of security to users.
Significance of the problem
In such a situation, it is extremely important to explore the major threats wireless technologies are currently facing as well as to develop effective ways of prevention of these risks and threats for the reliable and stable performance of wireless technologies. Therefore, the research focuses on three variables, including natural disasters, hacking and cracking, and illegal computer activities or cyber crimes related to the use of wireless technologies. At this point, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the emergence of new information technologies and wireless technologies opens wider opportunities for their wide application in different fields of human life. However, on the other hand, numerous threats wireless technologies may raise and face in the course of their mass implementation are often underestimated. Hence, the risk of information breaches and unreliable functioning of wireless technologies persists, whereas risks, threats and their prevention should be studied in details to make functioning of wireless technologies and their mass application effective and user-friendly.
Research questions
The development of wireless technologies raises several questions:
Ӣ What are advantages of wireless technologies over traditional technologies?
Ӣ What are the threats wireless technologies are vulnerable to?
In this regard, it is possible to distinguish three major domains of the study:
Ӣ Natural disaster
Ӣ Hacking/cracking
Ӣ Illegal computer activities
In such a context, it is possible to suggest the hypothesis that the development of wireless technologies outpaces the development of means of the protection of data and private information, making wireless networks and technologies vulnerable to external and internal threats, including the negative impact of natural disasters, hacking/cracking, and illegal computer activities. On the other hand, wireless technologies may need the development of new information system, which have the higher degree of protection and which are capable to protect data and private information stored and transmitted with the help of wireless technologies.
Theoretical framework
The problem of the wireless technologies will be studied in terms of the qualitative analysis and study involving interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. The study focuses on the use of qualitative methods to asses and forecast the risks and threats to wireless technologies and methods of their prevention.
Definition of terms
Wireless technology ”“ technology that does not need wire connection
Information technology ”“ technology involving computing technology, software and telecommunication systems
Network ”“ a group of computers or other devices connected together by either wired or wireless technologies
Hacking /cracking ”“ illegal access to information stored on computers or in databases, through cracking passwords and information system
Illegal computer crime ”“ crimes committed using computer technology leading to harmful results for individuals or organizations
Natural disaster ”“ any disaster that occurs under the impact of environmental, natural factors
The study stands on the ground that wireless technologies are vulnerable to three threats: natural disasters, hacking/cracking, and illegal computer crime. Wireless technologies need improvements to prevent aforementioned threats.
The current study uses qualitative methods, whereas the use of quantitative methods, which can help to assess existing threats to wireless technologies and the frequency of their occurrence in the contemporary world.