Essay online on Internet shopping

the major lesson learnt from the current study was the revelation of the importance of the objective analysis of results of interviews. In fact, interviews are quite complex to conduct objectively because responses of subjects are often subjective and mirror the personal opinion of each respondents. Therefore, the researcher has to select key ideas and messages which are common to all subjects. Therefore, the researcher should identify key facts that are common to subjects and, therefore, objectively present in the problem studied. In the case of the current study, key facts concerning internet shopping and its impact on customer choices and customer behavior were identified.

In the regard, interviews helped to reach the research objectives ”“ to find out the impact of internet shopping on the customer behavior and choices. More specifically, interviews aimed at the revelation of the personal opinion of subjects involved in the study on the problem of the study. The understanding of the personal opinion of each respondent helped to reveal diverse views on the development of internet shopping and its impact on the customer behavior and choices.

In fact, the method of interview is quite effective, especially, when the researcher needs to collect the personal opinion of subjects on the problem of the study. In actuality, interviews help to reveal diverse perspectives on the problem researched, namely the problem of the development of internet shopping and its impact on the customer behavior and choices. At the same time, this method is quite effective in terms of the development of diverse approaches to the problem on the ground of responses obtained in the course of interviews. At the same time, it is important to pose the same set of questions to interviewee to obtain adequate and extensive responses.

Interviews were conducted in the friendly situation. All subjects were interviewed face to face that increased the effectiveness of interviews because the interviewer could ask questions directly and observe respondents. At this point, verbal responses were important but face to face interviews allowed observing non-verbal responses, such as gestures, mimics and other means of the non-verbal communication. In such a way, interviews helped to conduct the detailed analysis of responses which involve verbal and non-verbal communication.

The suitability of the method of interview is high, taking into consideration the purpose of the study because interviews helped to obtain the personal opinion of each respondent to questions related to their attitude concerning the development of internet shopping and its impact on the customer behavior and choices. In this regard, the development of the internet shopping affects consistently the attitude of people to the internet shopping and how internet shopping affects their behavior and choices.

In the course of interviews, subjects were asked 7 different questions, including the following:

How often do you use internet?

Have you ever made purchases online?

What were products or services you purchased online?

Did you like your purchase online? Why?

What do you prefer online shopping or conventional shopping?

What are the major differences between internet shopping and conventional shopping?

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