The study focused on the impact of religion on unfaithfulness of individuals in their family life. The hypothesis of the study implied a considerable impact of religion on individuals’ unfaithfulness. In the course of the study, participants, both males and women were involved in testing to find out their inclination to cheating and their religious background. The assessment of the attitude of participants of the study to religion was very important because the hypothesis of the study implied that religion could decrease the vulnerability of individuals to cheating. However, the current study has revealed the fact that religion is not a significant factor that determines faithful or unfaithful behavior of individuals in marriage. Instead, other factors, such as social, demographic, economic and others have to be taken into consideration and the further research in this field is needed.
Religion and Unfaithfulness
The study of the relationship between the religion and unfaithfulness has revealed a number of facts that give implications concerning the possible impact of religion on the marital life of individuals. The study revealed the fact that religiousness of participants has reached 19.38 of religious mean with the standard deviation of 9.17. In this regard, cheating mean was 13.72 with the standard deviation of 3.24. The sensitivity to cheating mean of the participants of the study was 5.16 with the standard deviation of 1.60. Hence, the results of the study reveal the low impact of religion on sensitivity of individuals to cheating which was considerably lower compared to religiousness of individuals. Therefore, the religion has insignificant impact on cheating.
In addition, the study revealed certain gender differences in the attitude of individuals to cheating and their behavior and attitude to unfaithfulness. Women have proved to be more religious than men. Women were 6 points higher than men on religion. The Levene’s test revealed insignificant violation of 0.5. Cheating have proved to be insignificant neither the sensitivity for cheating. In such a context, religion was probably a factor that could have some influence on unfaithfulness but this influence was insignificant, while cheating probably depended on other factors, such as demographics, i.e. the gender of individuals, and other factors.
The accuracy, validity and reliability of the results was tested with the help of T-test which have revealed the aforementioned gender differences. In addition, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated for cheating and religiousness and this coefficient revealed insignificant impact of religion on cheating. Therefore, the hypothesis of the study was not supported by the results of the study and the hypothesis was probably erroneous.