Essay on Goal of human service practitioners

Taking into consideration the essence of the work of human service practitioners, it is possible to define the assistance of people in crisis as one of the major goals of human service practitioners. At the same time, it is worth mentioning the fact that human service practitioners’ goal is not only assisting and helping people in crisis. In fact, they should also enable people to live more satisfying, more autonomous, and more productive life, through utilization of the society’s knowledge, resources and technical innovations (Beck, 1993). In such a way, human service practitioners perform the function of mediators between the society and people in crisis. Their primary goal is enabling people in crisis to help people in need to improve their life and to use the assistance of the society to tackle their problems successfully. In such a way, human service practitioners help their clients to return to the normal life and to improve the quality of living through more productive and better life.

In fact, the contemporary society has substantial resources that can help people in crisis to cope with their problems. However, the problem is that people are often unavailable of resources and opportunities available to them in the contemporary society. Human service practitioners help individuals to learn about recent advancements in technology and to reveal opportunities for the consistent improvement of their life. They help people in crisis to use social and technological resources and opportunities provided for them by the contemporary society to integrate into the social life and to lead a normal, positive lifestyle, regardless of their problems. Therefore, human service practitioners attempt to reach their goals and they use available technologies and resources delivering them to their clients. The achievement of professional goals of human service practitioners is strategically important because it helps them to perform their functions effectively. Otherwise, their work becomes pointless.

The human service practice model

Human service practitioners need to elaborate an effective human service practice model which can help them to deliver services to their clients and to achieve their goals. In fact, human service practitioners should work hard on the elaboration of the human service practice model that is the most effective in regard to their clients. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that human service practitioners can use different models and they have to take into consideration needs of their clients and their background. Specialists (Davison & Neale, 2001) point out that the background of clients is very important, when human service practitioners develop the human service model to be used to deliver their services. For instance, some clients may be deprived of the assistance from the part of their family members and human service practitioners can compensate the lack of the family support by the community support. They can help their clients to make more friends and to develop positive relations with other community members. In such a way, human service practitioners can use the community-based human service model that involves the close cooperation between human service practitioners, communities and clients. At this point, the assistance of human service practitioners focuses on the development of the positive relationship between their clients and their communities.

On the other hand, the community-based model may be ineffective, when human service practitioners’ clients have caring family members, who are willing to help their relatives. If human service practitioners neglect the support of the family and focus on the support of the community, their clients may feel uncertain about the professional level of human service practitioners and their ability to help them because normally people believe their family members and if human service practitioners fail to use the support of family members, the human service model turns out to be ineffective. Therefore, human service practitioners should take into consideration needs of their clients, assess their background and potential of their close social environment to be used in the provision of human services. In such a way, human service practitioners can choose the most effective model of human service being provided for their clients.

Furthermore, the choice of the model depends on the resources available to human service practitioners and their clients. What is meant here is the fact that human service practitioners cannot choose the model they like the most or they have used successfully in the past. Instead, they should understand what resources are actually available to them that can be used in the provision of human services for their clients. For instance, if human service practitioners have once used successfully the family therapy, they cannot apply this model to clients, who have lost their family member or members. Instead, they should look for other models and options to deliver effective human services to their clients.

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