- March 18, 2013
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Term paper writing
HPV is one of the main risk factors that can provoke the development of cervical cancer. In actuality, the majority of women with cervical cancer had HPV. In such a situation, the development of HPV vaccine can help millions of women in the UK and worldwide to prevent or, at least, minimize the risk of the development of cervical cancer, which exposes their life to a significant risk. In such a situation, the introduction of HPV vaccine is essential from the medical point of view, but its introduction can bring considerable financial benefits to the company that introduces the vaccine. The current study focuses on the analysis of health care and commercial prospects of the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine.
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Science part
2.1 Therapeutic vaccines new trend and new business opportunity for pharma companies vs preventative vaccines
2.2 HPV and cancer
2.3 GSK (Gardasil) and Merck (Cerivax) preventative vaccines on the market.
2.4 HPV therapeutic vaccine opportunity and need
2.5 Scientific Info on the HPV vaccine and effect on cancer
3. Business part
3.1 Cancer especially cervical cancer in numbers
3.2 HPV vaccine testing
3.3 HPV vaccine introduction and promotion
3.4 Development of the international network to supply HPV vaccine internationally
3.5 Expected economic effects after the successful introduction of HPV vaccine
1. Introduction
HPV are viruses that affect the skin and the moist membranes that line parts of the body, including mouth and throat, cervix, and anus. In actuality, HPV are widely spread and affect a considerable number of people but, normally, people become immune in the course of time to HPV. However, there is still a risk of complications associated with HPV. In this respect, the development of the cervical cancer is one of the major threats to the health and life of female patients. In actuality, many studies (Stoppler & Melissa 2007) prove the fact that HPV accompanies the development of cervical cancer, whereas practically all women with cervical cancer had HPV. In such a way, it is obvious that HPV are closely intertwined with the risk of the development of the cervical cancer. Therefore, the development of an effective HPV therapeutic vaccine could minimize the risk of the development of such serious health problems in patients as cervical cancer. At the same time, the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine raises the problem of its testing and adequate introduction in the market. The latter means that the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine, which can potentially prevent the development of the cervical cancer, can skyrocket the demand on the vaccine and the company introducing this vaccine first will be in an advantageous and, what is more likely, monopolist position in the market. In such a situation, the ethical dilemma arises between health care concerns, which make the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine en masse essential, and commercial reasonability arises because, from the commercial point of view, the logical strategy of the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine will be to raise the price of the vaccine to the highest possible level as long as the price is affordable for a large number of customers. On the other hand, from the health care standpoint, the HPV therapeutic vaccine should be introduced en masse to help a possibly larger number of women to prevent the development of the cervical cancer. Hence, the current study focuses on the both health care and business prospects of the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine, but it is obvious that the introduction of the HPV therapeutic vaccine should involve ethical concerns and the company introducing the vaccine should provide the stable and reliable supply of vaccine to meet the actual demand on the HPV therapeutic vaccine.