Players of the Negro Leagues in the Baseball Hall of Fame. The idea was the discussion about the inclusion of players of the Negro Leagues into the Baseball Hall of Fame baseball legend, the first time by Ted Williams. Williams was taken in 1966 in the Hall of Fame, and strengthened himself in his speech for receiving the players of the Negro Leagues.
“Inside this building are plaques dedicated to baseball men of all generations and I’m privileged to join them. […] I hope that someday the names of Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson in some way can be added as a symbol of the great Negro players that are not here only because they were not given a chance.”
– Ted Williams:
“In this building there are plaques dedicated to baseball players of all generations and I am privileged to join them. […] And I hope that one day somehow added the names of Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson, considered a symbol of the great Negro League players who are not here solely because they were given no chance.”
The pressure on the Hall of Fame grew when Robert W. Peterson, an author of the New York Times, the Chronicle “Only the Ball Was White,” published that there was caused great public interest in the topic. The plan was then the part of the Hall of Fame, a separate award for the players of the Negro Leagues set up. There followed a wave of criticism from journalists, fans and players. Satchel Paige spoke personally and said that he would accept nothing less than full membership in the group of excellent players in the Hall of Fame. The Hall relented and decided to vote in 1971 to set up a special Negro League Committee, which should equally determine the inclusion of Negro players. In the following years there were elected by and by other prominent players in the Negro Leagues in the Hall of Fame.
The discussion focused mainly on players who had never played in the Major Leagues. Due to the rapid transition, there were also some players like Larry Doby received, Willie Mays or Hank Aaron, who were active in both leagues, and in the Hall of Fame. Under the Baseball Hall of Fame balloting 2006 a committee of twelve sports historians further 17 individuals selected retrospectively from the time of the Negro Leagues in the Hall of Fame was with this group including Effa Manley, the first woman ever was inducted into the Hall of Fame.
“Baseball’s tortured past was inextricably linked to its exclusion of African-Americans. Their subsequent entry into baseball was the game’s finest moment. But its future most likely lies elsewhere, in the Caribbean and the nation’s growing Latino communities”, according to Where have African-American baseball players gone? (2011).
It should be noted that Black players were not allowed to play major league in the late 1890s. The agreement between the franchise owners was validated in the early twentieth century by the Supreme Court of the United States. Black players like Josh Gibson (Homestead Grays) or Satchel Paige (Kansas City Monarchs) then evolve into “Negro Leagues” 11 powerful symbol of the segregationist American politics. This situation lasted until 1947 and the arrival of Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson was hired by the Dodgers’ general manager, Branch Rickey, and major league starts in April 15, 1947. Victim of numerous attacks racist, Robinson held out and opened the way for black players in Major League. Since 2000, April 15 is celebrated by MLB as the “Jackie Robinson Day” while his number 42 was retired in 1997 as all MLB franchises.
Baseball has reached maturity in the 20’s, when “Baby” Ruth (1895-1948 years) Led the team of the New York Yankees to win a sweepstakes “World Series” and became a national hero thanks to his “home-injuries” (cases where the ball can not play because he was knocked out of bounds). For decades, each team appeared with their great players. One such hero was played for the Brooklyn Dodgers’ Jackie Robinson (1919-1972 years) – A talented and courageous athlete who became in 1947 the first African American among the players leading baseball leagues. (Prior to Robinson’s black athletes were only in the framework of the Negro League.)
Since 50-ies of the geographical scope of baseball began to expand. In towns west coast appeared his team as a whole, taken from the east or formed from the players, given the existing teams. Up to 70 years, thanks to the very strict contracts, the owners of baseball teams, in fact, owned players. Since then the situation has changed and players had the right, within certain limits, to offer their services to any team. As a consequence, there is a fierce battle for the top players, and the stars make millions of dollars a year. From time to time due to disagreements between the players union and team owners of the game was suspended for several months. If we consider baseball as both a sport and as a business in the late XX century, many indignant fans believe that the business element takes over.