In the current essay I would like to consider effective group communication and group communication process on the example of the group to which I belong ”“ students group on cultural diversity. To begin with, it should be noted that our group considt of 16 members, who try to learn and understand other nations’ culture. As a fact, members of our group are in direct personal contact, share a common social activity, which is the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships, group norms and group processes.
It should be noted that communication is the process, which facilitates mutual adaptation of human behavior. Consequently, the essence of communicative activity is not intended in terms of previous thoughts and feelings, but in how to establish such cooperation, when the behavior of each individual changes and to some extent governed by the involvement of other individuals. In other words, communication is an exchange, a cooperative that provides mutual support, making possible the coordination of movements of great complexity. Moreover, integral characteristic of internal group relationships is the degree of cohesion, which can serve as an index rate or degree of coincidence of opinions, estimates, installations, and the positions of group members in relation to objects, the most significant for the group as a whole. So, the more group is united, the more it responds to the needs of people in emotionally charged interpersonal relationships. Also, cohesion creates an atmosphere of careful attention and mutual support among group members and develops a sense of group identity. It also creates an emotional attachment, the adoption of common objectives, ensures the stability of the group even in the most frustrating circumstances, and contributes to the development of common standards that make a group of stable despite differing vectors of individual aspirations, according to Randy Fujishin (2007).
It is essential to note that the main purpose of the communication process lies in providing an understanding of information is the subject of communication ”“ a message. However, the fact of sharing information does not guarantee the effectiveness of communication of the people, involved in the exchange. The process of information exchange can be divided into four basic elements: sender, message, channel, recipient. Sender ”“ is the person, who generates ideas or collects information and transmits it. Message in fact is the information, encoded by means of symbols. Channel considers a means of transmitting information. The recipient is a person, to whom this information was sent and who interprets it. In an information exchange process, sender and receiver undergo several interrelated stages. Their task is to write a message and use the channel for transmission in such a way that both parties have understood and shared the original idea. It is difficult, because on each step the meaning may be distorted or completely lost. As a fact, there are following interrelated steps: the origin of the idea, coding and channel selection, transmission and decoding, according to Gloria Galanes (2009).
I would like to mention that effective communication is distinguished from original communication by following. As a rule, effective communication involves minimal distortion of information. A human has a tendency to distort information on the following stages: forming thoughts and intentions, transmission, admission (subject, whom it was addressed), processing, response, reception (by communication initiator). Moreover, following mechanisms distort information, among them are: human outlook, his past experience, psychological defense, linguistic immature, incorrect constructs. It should be noted that effective communication is a skill, a craft, which by developing in its subtle and sublime aspects becomes art. Effective communication must be learnt and form a mature outlook, free from the burden of psychological defenses, know yourself, your reactions and intentions, improve your linguistic apparatus. Effective communication contributes to the formation of a clear, efficient, mature relationship, according to Randy Fujishin (2007).
Further I would like to provide the advices, which help our group to communicate more effectively. Make pauses during your speech. One of the most common errors in communication – is a desire to give all the information “in one breath”. Students may not be able to absorb so much information at once. Therefore, we must learn to speak a little slower, making small pauses to see how well received what you say. Establish a contact. If the communication has not contact between people, the listener is likely to quickly lose interest in conversation. Watch the reaction of the interlocutor, which will indicate that you are listening and understand. Radiate confidence. As a fact, confident personality, confident speech, the successful negotiation – all these are the links of one chain. The level of confidence can be determined by the gait and posture of a person, so try to stand up straight and not slouch. Also, try to use gestures. First, the gesture makes a positive impression. Second, gestures help to better perceive and assimilate information. Follow the voice volume. The volume of your voice may indicate your level of confidence and ownership of the information. It is always a pleasure ”“ listen a person with well-delivered voice and correct speech.
Gloria Galanes (2009). Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 13 edition. 448 pages.
Randy Fujishin (2007). Creating Effective Groups: The Art of Small Group Communication. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.; 2 edition. 192 pages.