In the current essay I would like to consider the recent situation with gun control in the United States. To begin with it can be said that the firearms legislation in the United States is mainly governed by the pronounced federalism in the United States, there are over 2500 laws on the possession of gun control. As a matter of fact, the right to own weapons is protected be the Constitution of the United States. It can be said that the details of gun control are controversial because of its broad wording in the tradition of Anglo-Saxon common law. Overall, the American gun laws, particularly in connection with the crime and suicide rates both nationally and internationally are one of the biggest controversies in American politics and are the question of great importance.
Gun owners in the United States are strongly organized, for example the National Rifle Association has several million of members and is internationally known. In the United States the right to have a gun is regulated primarily at the federal level by three federal laws: The National Firearms Act (1934), the Gun control Act (1968), and the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1791), which gives the right to U.S. citizens to protect themselves. It is essential to note that with the coming of the Obama administration there is an attempt to adopt more gun control laws, which aim is to restrict the free circulation and sale of weapons in the U.S. However, to date, these attempts can not be considered successful since the last elections in Congress defeated the Republicans, who have traditionally defended the right of Americans to freely bear arms. Moreover, the position of some states such as Texas should be taken into account, where the freedom to bear arms has strong position, as described in A Clamor for Gun Limits, but Few Expect Real Changes.
In 1994, under the leadership of Bill Clinton the so-called Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act came into force, which must be within arms buyers check five days after the purchase. Furthermore, weapons were banned with a magazine capacity of more than 10 shots. This act also prescribed a five-day period between purchase and delivery of weapons. In 1997 the Supreme Court classified this law as unconstitutional and repealed it because the issue falls within the legislative competence of the individual states. In general, based on the rights of states, districts and municipalities, authorities establish the rules of legally arms’ traffic on the territory within their jurisdiction. Consequently, it can be argued that the U.S. does not have a unified, consistently applied throughout the state, federal law regulating the trafficking of arms. It should be noted that currently, there are approximately 2500 laws and regulations of federal, state, municipal and other levels, which regulates arms trafficking in the United States, as stated in Why gun control is dead in America.