Free essays suggest a broad statement on the content that is not tied to any literary era, the author or product. They often rely on everyday human experience, philosophy, literary works, and others. Therefore, the material should be free to choose this topic from almost any sphere of human activity. The arguments may go beyond the pure literary criticism as well as free themes to a greater extent, tolerate or even welcome your personal attitude to various issues.
It requires the ability to select the hard material analysis, cut off the excess, so as not to leave the topic, do not miss out on necessary that the theme has not been disclosed to the surface.
The essay should have strictly thought over three-private structure:
1) introduction;
2) main part;
3) conclusion.
Consider some recommendations:
Introduction: to make this part of composition successful, formulate in it those problem questions which it is possible to answer, in principle, within your subject. Having chosen from them one-two which will be answered in the composition, prove the choice. Also provide terms which will be necessary for you for the answer to these questions, and give their definition testifying to your understanding of these terms. Do not be afraid of question marks, safely formulate questions.
Main part: it is the main content of all writing work that gives developed and demonstrative answer to those questions which you formulated in the introduction. You convince the reader of your work that you put questions correctly and correctly solve them. By volume this part is the biggest.
Conclusion: a problem of this part ”“ summarizing within your reasoning in the second part on those problem questions which you formulated in the introduction. You should generalize your conclusions, using thus keywords or the terms entering into the formulation of the chosen subject: if in it there were words “problem”, “composition”, “image”, “landscape” etc., repeat them in your final conclusions. Remember that the conclusion and the introduction in many respects according to the contents repeat each other. You change only a form ”“ from interrogative to affirmative.
Certainly, the most part of subjects combines elements of different types ”“ both a descriptiveness (visibility), and a problematical character, and the literary analysis of the text, and a comparative. And consequently assumes a versatile approach. Subjects where different approaches to work are combined, are mixed. And here you need to define independently, what approach – survey, problem, analytical or another ”“ you will choose as the leader.