The control over the observation of rules concerning the work with ionizing radiation is crucial because such a regulation and control ensures the safety of the use of ionizing radiation and, therefore, prevents risks of the violation of the existing norms and minimizes threats to the environment and people working with ionizing radiation or exposed to the impact of ionizing radiation. In this respect, the role of a radiation protection supervisor can hardly be underestimated because it is radiation protection supervisors who are responsible for writing and updating local rules for ionizing radiation and they control the work with ionizing radiation in the area., while people involved in the work with ionizing radiation should read carefully the established rules and norms which cannot be violated or ignored by any means.
In fact, it is important to underline that a radiation protection supervisor should be knowledgeable about hazards and precautions pertaining to radiation machines. Furthermore, he needs to understand the existing rules clearly and he has the authority to make changes which are necessary to comply with the rules.
Furthermore, it should be said that a radiation protection supervisor permits the operations of the radiation machines only by individuals who have received proper instructions. Also he conducts or arranges for conducting radiation surveys to assure compliances with the rules and establishes operating procedures to assure compliance with the rules.
In addition, it is hardly possible to underestimate the role of the local authorities, including legislators, who have the possibility to change and improve the existing legislation concerning ionizing radiation as long as it meets rules and regulations established on the federal level.
Obviously, specialists working with ionizing radiation should read carefully the existing rules and regulations concerning the work with ionizing radiation because they cannot violate these rules. It proves beyond a doubt that these rules are specifically design any risk of hazards, which are absolutely unacceptable in the work with ionizing radiation because effects of such hazards can be really disastrous. In fact, the ignorance of rules can lead to the changes which cannot be controlled by humans, while the exposure of people to ionizing radiation can be mortal for them. Moreover, it is necessary to remember the fact that negative effects of ionizing radiation are long-lasting and it can take years to clean the area from ionizing radiation in case of a hazard.
Furthermore, specialists working with ionizing radiation should be acknowledged of their responsibility for the observance of existing rules and norms and their violation. In actuality, it is very important because sometimes people can underestimate risks which accompany the work with ionizing radiation or overestimate their own power and possibilities.
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the work with ionizing radiation is strictly regulated and existing rules and norms should be strictly observed. In fact, this is the major condition of the prevention of hazards, involving ionizing radiation. In such a way, it is possible to secure not only people working directly with  ionizing radiation, but also people who can be exposed to the impact of ionizing radiation.