Response Essay

Response Essay is directed on understanding of the art text from the emotional point of view. This type of work allows to form the writer’s ability by giving an estimated judgment of work. But for students the writing of a response essay causes difficulties. So what sequence is it better to adhere in this case?

At first, tell about your reader’s addictions (what works of what genre are pleasant to you). Write about how you meet that work to which the composition is devoted, what involves you in the process of reading. Formulate the thesis where briefly reflect the relation to the text (it was pleasant / it was not pleasant).

Define an urgency of a subject and the problems riced by the author in the work.

Make the short review of the most important episodes of work, note their importance in subject disclosure. Many writers make a mistake in this place, retelling the whole art text.

Characterize the heroes of a composition, state an assessment of their behavior in different events of work from a moral position, note importance of participation in represented events, and also consider relationship of heroes.

Write, for what purpose these human being (heroes) are entered into system of characters. Tell about your relation to them and their destinies. Use synonyms to avoid repetitions. For example: being pleasant, made an indelible impression, draw attention, remembered; interesting, fascinating, entertaining; to describe, draw, depict; to represent, tell about ”¦, to enter in ”¦, to acquaint with ”¦, to show etc.

Make conclusions: what feelings and thoughts arise according to the read, what is your living position concerning the situation stated in the work.

Generalize arguments and conclusions, compare this work with other texts of the same author and similar texts of the writers of the same era, reveal a place and the importance in public life. Specify, whether you continue the acquaintance to the creativity of this author. The response can be finished with any request or the address to readers.

After the conclusion, it is accepted to place a bibliography of the used literature. Each reference included in a list, should have reflection in the work. If the author refers to any facts or quotes works of other authors, he or she surely should specify in the interlinear reference the given materials and where were they taken. But it is not recommended to place directories, encyclopedias, popular scientific editions in the list.

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