SDS ANti-War Working group essay

First of all I want to remind that every peace movement seeks to achieve some ideals, for example, to end a war, to determine inter-human violence or to achieve the world peace.

Social movement “Students for a Democratic Society” first time was developed in 1960s. It started with just an ideology, particular it members criticized US government for the Cold War policy. After the beginning of the war in Vietnam SDS joined the peace movement against this war and moved to resistance from protest. SDS became the most distinct student movement in the USA.  National SDS led the largest student strike in US history at April 16 1968, and the longest student strike “Third World Student Strike at San Francisco State College”. In 1968 SDS split into SDS-Worker-Student Alliance and some other groups, and in 1974 SDS-WDA was dissolved.

At the beginning of 2006 Jessica Rapchik and Pat Korte, two high school students, decided to re-establish a student movement. Girls contacted with the former members of SDS and called to build a new organization. New SDS has developed a great strategy, that includes different issues varying from Climate Change to Worker’s rights. As old SDS protested against the Vietnam war, new SDS opposites the Iraq war. Every year from 2006 till 2008 SDS organized numerous actions against the war on March 20, the anniversary of the USA invasion beginning. Besides, SDS takes part in protests against the war in Afganistan. However SDS ANti-War Working group is not the only active part of this movement. Modern SDS is positioning itself as organizer, not activist. It declares the willing to change society according its understanding of democracy.

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