Two Techniques of counseling that I Will Use for Clients in Treatment

I would like to focus on techniques of client-centered approach, as I believe that I would apply this approach in my practice. Person-centered therapy refers to a number of internal processes in the communication of the therapist and his client. Interaction between two people, based on an awareness of their internal feedback, makes the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship in client-centered therapy. The focus in this case is on direct experience in the relationship.
The process of therapy is not considered as primarily dealing with memories of the client about his past, the study of challenges he faced with, his perception of himself, with feelings that he fears to admit to consciousness. I guess that the process of therapy is primarily the experience of communication between client and therapist. Therapy consists in an emotionally meaningful relationship of the client with the therapist.

The client-centered theory rests on three conditions, which are necessary to cause a change in the client. The theory does not put emphasis on certain technical skills or knowledge of the therapist, but invites him to be: authentic, or congruent; empathetic, or understanding; caring, or confirming. These units are the most important in the therapeutic relationship, as if the client perceives them, he becomes involved in the process of positive personality change. This is the basic hypothesis of person-centered therapy.

That is, the first technique of counseling, that I believe is important in communicating with clients, is empathy. It implies that the therapist understands the client, and should focus on the phenomenological world of the client. Understanding the client’s world as he sees it, is a fundamental factor in therapeutic change. The therapist must focus on the current experience of the client not to make the interpretation or diagnosis. But client’s understanding that he is understood and supported by the therapist by itself will lead to a change in the direction of growth.

The second important technique is the positive attitude.
Unconditional positive attitude from the therapist means that he is free from any installations and condemnation, he must not express approval or disapproval, does not interpret. He truly takes the client’s position with all the understanding and fully trusts in his resources and a positive change. The genuine positive attitude of the therapist will allow the client to open himself and follow his own processes of change. Unconditional positive attitude and an accurate understanding are working together, creating an atmosphere in the therapeutic relationship, in which it is possible to achieve the best result.

Life experience and personal characteristics that will help to work effectively as a counselor
First of all I should say that nobody is born a therapist or counselor. The required qualities are not congenital, but are developed over a lifetime. I emphasize that the effectiveness of a consultant is due to the properties of the individual, professional knowledge and special skills. Each of these factors provides quality counseling contact, which is the core of psychological counseling.
I believe that some of my features and personality traits are important for the profession of consultant:
– A deep interest to people and patience in dealing with them;
– Sensitivity to the attitudes and behavior of others;
– Emotional stability and objectivity;
– The ability to inspire confidence in others;
– Lack of bias
– Consciousness of my professional duties.
The consultant is obliged to assess people: their feelings, views and unique personality traits, but do so without condemnation and labeling. Such a relationship with customers is very important, nevertheless, should take into account the fears that most people are going through, trying to strike up a close, warm relationships with others. N Effective counselor is able to freely express his feelings to other people, including to customers.
Competent consultant knows the level of his qualifications and own limitations, he is responsible for compliance with the rules of ethics and must work on behalf of clients.

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Gelso С. J., Fretz. В. С. (1992). Counseling Psychology. N. Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
George R. L., Cristiani T. S. (1990). Counseling: Theory and Practice. Englewood Cliffs. N. J.: Prentice-Hall
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