Bramante and Aesthetics of High Renaissance essay

One of the prominent achievements of Bramante is the addition of crossing and choir to abbey church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. This was a brick structure that incorporated elements of North Italian architecture. The hemispherical dome, of about 20 meters across, rises up hidden inside an octagonal drum pierced at the upper level with arched classical openings. This work was very important in the professional development of Bramante and attracted the public attention to his original and new style. His style became the blend of the Renaissance art and classical, ancient Roman art. The blend of the combination of the Renaissance art and classical, ancient Roman art was very important for the creation of the High Renaissance style.

Another early work created by Bramante was the church of Santa Maria presso San Satiro. The space was limited and Bramante made a theatrical apse in bas-relief, combining the painterly arts of perspective with Roman details. There is an octagonal sacristy, surmounted by a dome. This work of art contributed to the development of his art and enhanced the trend to the creation of aesthetic art. The high style of Bramante marked the respect to the aesthetic values and principles of the artist. At the same time, this work of art encouraged people to develop the High Renaissance style and develop aesthetic values in the audience.

As Bramante moved to Rome, he continued his experiments and creative work. In this regard, one of the prominent Roman works by Bramante was his work on the Tempietto in the cloister of San Pietro in Montorio. This was a small circular temple that marked the spot where St Peter was martyred. The architect attempted to contrast the spacious interior of the temple to the cloister which surrounded it. The Tempietto was an important work created by Bramante, who managed to create the artistic work of the great aesthetic power. The beauty of the work attracted people and made the audience attracted to the work of art.

The most remarkable work by Bramante was rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basilica. He planned to fill four chapels fillings with equal transepts, each one capped with a smaller dome surrounding the great dome over the crossing. In fact, this work of art is one of the fundamental works that marked the full extent to which the High Renaissance style of Bramante. The St. Peter’s Basilica was very important for the implementation of progressive ideas of Bramante. He attempted to create marvelous work of art that could reveal the beauty of people and divine beauty. He created virtually perfect elements of the basilica and he revealed the natural beauty of the cathedral and its interior.

At the same time, he worked on the cloister of Santa Maria della Pace. This building was characterized by handsome proportions that made the building look simple and beautiful. The artist had managed to reveal how simple things may be beautiful. In fact, the simplicity of the work of art of Bramante makes it beautiful. He attempted to make his work understandable and close to the public and people enjoyed the beautiful art. This work of art is very important for the development of the High Renaissance style.

In fact, Bramante contributed to the rise of the High Renaissance style. His works of art revealed the beauty. Even the simplest works of art created by Bramante mirrored the deep beauty. The audience admired the aesthetic of Bramante’s works, while the artist paid a lot of attention to the development of aesthetic, beautiful works of art. He wanted his audience to admire the beauty of the High Renaissance. In such a way, the High Renaissance style of Bramante focused on the development of aesthetically rich works that were interesting for the audience and attracted people to the works created by the artist. He managed to create original and simple works which were beautiful and interesting for the audience.


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