Essay on Hard Rock Café future and plans

-                Type of control processes

Control processes will include monitoring and auditing of operations and marketing performance of outlets of Hard Rock Café in India and Brazil. The control will not interfere in the business development of the outlets constantly. Instead, control officers will provide their recommendations to managers of outlets in India and Brazil only after auditing their performance and development of the marketing strategy by the board of the company. Managers of outlets will participate in the resolution of problems their outlets have. They should participate in the decision making process through communication with control officers.

-                Throughput Control Activities

Throughput control activities will include three stages of control, input control, throughput control, and output control. The input control will focus on the investments and support of outlets by the company (Hart, 2004). Input control will focus on the quality of equipment and materials supplied to outlets in India and Brazil, the development of the effective information system that can help to maintain effective communication within the company and between the company and its customers, and other contributions to the development of business internationally. The throughput control will include the monitoring and auditing of the marketing and financial performance of outlets in India and Brazil by control officers. Finally, the output control will include the analysis of outcomes of the outlets’ performance and development of specific recommendations on their improvement by control officers and managers of outlets.


Thus, Hard Rock Café can expand its business internationally. Brazil and India are the most attractive countries due to their socioeconomic development and stable political situation as well as a considerable potential for the market growth. The company should develop the chain of restaurants in India and the chain of hotels and casinos in Brazil. However, Hard Rock Café should adapt its business to local specificities.

India and Brazil are attractive markets for Hard Rock Café because both Brazil and India are emerging economies. Therefore, the growth of local economies will facilitate the development of business of the company in these markets. Hard Rock Café will be able to realize its full potential and its strengths and opportunities entering Brazilian and Indian market. In spite of possible competition, the fast growth of the tourist industry and domestic economy of Brazil and India will provide the company with ample opportunities for the further growth and business development. Hence, Brazil and India are the best choices for the company’s international market expansion.

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