Buy essay on Anonymous act of kindness

In the current essay I will describe an anonymous act of kindness. Examples of it include helping someone carry groceries, paying for a stranger’s coffee, donating time or money to a cause you believe in, and so forth. I can say that altruism is an indispensable quality in a person’s life.
Altruism – is the moral principle that prescriptive selfless actions for the benefit and satisfaction of the interests of another person (s). It is usually used to refer to the ability to bring its benefits to sacrifice for the common good, according to Altruism (2006).
Altruism helps people to be human, to help others, to initiate help and give others hope. Those who show their qualities of altruism, highlight their personal and professional social responsibility, and make the whole society better. Actions of altruism give hope and perspectives for many.
Scarification for the common good is an ability of the altruism that people use in order to help others. The psychology of a person plays a considerable role in the actions of the altruism. Altruism applies to psychology and psychological principles, and determines person’s ability feel, understand and help.
As a fact, altruism improves the human condition, although it has certain limits. Those people who have appropriate thinking and interest in helping others, first of all they help themselves and this way they prove the ability to make the world better, to make materialistic things value less, and put spirituality on the first place. Personal and professional responsibilities are also related to altruism. Some people feel responsible and want to help others. They feel it indispensable and useful for the society.
The term altruism is introduced as opposed to selfishness. The concept of altruism has introduced a French philosopher and founder of sociology, Auguste Comte. He characterizes them as disinterested in motives rights, entailing actions for the benefit of others. According to Comte, the principle of altruism, states: “Live for others.” buy essay
Skinner conducted an analysis of the phenomenon of altruism, and concluded as follows: “We respect people for their good deeds only if we can not explain these things. We explain the behavior of these people of their internal dispositions only if we do not have external explanations. When the external causes are obvious, we proceed from them, rather than personality traits.”
The belief that people should help those who need it, regardless of the likely benefits in the future, is the norm of social responsibility. It is this norm that motivates people, for example, to raise the book, which was dropped by the man on crutches. Experiments show that even when providing care remain unknown and do not expect any gratitude, they often help those in need, according to What is altruism? (2010).
Those who love always try to help those who are in need. However, the intuitive, unconscious desire to help does not necessarily refers to a human being with whom you associate a bond of love or friendship. Quite the contrary, an altruistic desire to help quite a stranger has long been considered particularly elegant proof of nobility. Such selfless altruistic impulses are listed in our society are extremely high and even, according to experts like themselves would carry a moral reward for causing us trouble.
Feeling empathy, we turn our attention not so much on our own distress, but rather on the suffering of others. The clearest example of empathy ”“ is the unconditional, immediate assistance to people to whom we feel affection. Among scientists who study the relationship of selfishness and empathy, there were different points of view, numerous experiments: very much like to reliably determine, whether the general person has the absolute unselfishness”¦ Results of experiments showed that, yes, people are capable of it, but scientists are skeptics have argued that none experiment can not exclude all possible selfish motives for assistance. Nevertheless, further experiments and life itself have confirmed that there are people who care about the welfare of others, sometimes to the detriment of their own good.
“Whatever may seem a self-centered man, his nature is clearly laid down under certain laws which make it an interest in the fate of others and consider their happiness necessary for himself, although he himself from it does not receive anything except the pleasure of seeing – this is happiness” – Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759
I think that there is a certain future of psychology, which will also include altruism and its consequences for the society. The level of altruism and the number of people that want to offer their help will grow. Contemporary society has more access to the information they are interested in, and they are able to influence the situation. I presume that altruism will be more distributed in the future, and not only material things will be of a high importance, but also spiritual things. All in all, it can be said that not all people are indifferent to the problems and issues in the society, and there are those who can be named altruists, who implement positive changes in the world.


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