Essay on Institutional Research Review Board Formal Protocol


The positive psychological impact of caregivers on children with traumatic brain injury



20 caregivers are involved in the study to find out whether they help children with traumatic brain injury to cope psychologically with their health problems.

The subjects involved in the study are Americans of Latino and Caucasian origin; females aged 30-50. All the subjects have different social and economic status to find out whether the social and economic status of caregivers can influence the psychological effect of their interaction with children with traumatic brain injury.

The subjects involved in the study are caregivers, who work or interact with children that gained a severe traumatic brain injury (boys and girls that gained the disability at the aged 11-18). The caregivers are either parents, relatives or other caregivers, who interact with the children regularly.

The subjects involved in the study are vulnerable to the presence of a physical, mental, social and emotional stress, which they are exposed to while interacting with children with traumatic brain injury or in any other time because they are under the impact of stressors raised by their work with the children and social pressure.

The potential subjects were accessed through three rehabilitation facilities and families’ homes, where subjects may be found and involved in the study.

The subjects will be selected randomly on the ground of their experience of work or interaction with children (boys and girls that gained the disability at aged 11-18) with severe traumatic brain injury. The subjects will help to evaluate my study of the need for emotional intelligence in professionals to help caregivers of severe traumatic brain injury children, not overwhelming them with more frustration and stress.

No subjects with psychiatric problems or legally restricted in their actions are involved in the study.


A qualitative, questionnaire-base procedure will be used in the study.

Subjects will not be deceived in any way because the study is based on ethical principles of transparency and subjects’ confidentiality.

Twenty caregivers of children with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury will respond to the questionnaire for 2 hours. The questionnaire will be analyzed using content analysis, which involves making notes, sorting information into categories, identifying similarities or differences among subjects. The responses of the subjects will be collected and processed, while similarities and differences in their responses can be identified to find out common trends in the impact of caregivers on children with traumatic brain injury.

Subjects will not receive any compensation. The study will involve volunteers only.


The data collected in the course of the study will be anonymous. I will not asking subjects’ names. I will match my data using secret codes in the place of the names. All subjects will be aware of their anonymity during the study and their confidentiality. They will sign the written consent to participate in the study on the ground of anonymity and confidentiality. In such a way, subjects will feel absolutely secure in terms of their privacy and privacy of the children with traumatic brain injury, which they are working or interacting with. The confidentiality is an important part of the study’s ethical framework because the study may involve sensitive issues that the subjects involved in the study may be unwilling to uncover or publicize.







1 When has your child got traumatic brain injury?

A Less than a year

B 1-3 years

C Over three years

2 Do you have any special training in coping with psychological problems in children with traumatic brain injury?

A Yes

B No

3 Do you believe your children have psychological problems:

A Yes, severe problems

B Yes, moderate problems

C Rather minor problems

D No problems at all

4 How many care giving techniques have you applied to help children with traumatic brain injury?

A One

B Two-three

C More than three

5 Have you noticed any positive effects on children with traumatic brain injury immediately after your interaction with the children?

A Yes

B No

6 How would you assess the effect on children with traumatic brain injury immediately after your interaction with the children?

A Highly positive

B Positive

C Rather negative than positive

D Negative

7 Have you noticed any positive effects on children with traumatic brain injury after your long-run interaction (not less than a year) with the children?

A Yes

B No

8 How would you assess the effect on children with traumatic brain injury after your long-run interaction (not less than a year) with the children?

A Highly positive

B Positive

C Rather negative than positive

D Negative

9 What improvements have you noticed in children with traumatic brain injury as you help them to cope with their problems?

A Physiological

B Psychological

C None

10 Have you ever received positive feedback from children with traumatic brain injury?

A Yes regularly

B Yes sometimes

C Never


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