Research paper on Safety of the Sex Selection

The use of the sex selection is a new and controversial issue in reproductive sphere. In the United States, the sex selection by means of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is first of all a violation of ethical principles. Such services cannot only guarantee the sex of a child, but they also prove incapable to identify the physical and mental state of the child. It may lead to numerous problems with the health of a newborn. In such a way, the sex selection is not an approved and safe procedure (Waters 135).

Sex Imbalance as a Fundamental Objection against Sex Selection

Discrimination against females and frequent son preference are a widespread phenomenon in the world. Numerous women all over the world are determined not to give birth to girls, as the latter are often viewed as a burden for the family being incapable to continue the family lineage (Alessi). The sex selection becomes a serious problem as it leads to sex imbalance of the world’s population. A recent practice of selecting sons over daughters leads to the increase in male population, which may have severe consequences. The newest technologies have been developed to help parents choose the gender of their child, and although it is an expensive and often unaffordable method, it becomes more and more popular. And such tendency is likely to lead to a much more imbalanced gender ratio than it is now.


Despite the fact that nowadays, there are technologies that allow parents to choose a gender of their baby, it does not mean that these technologies should spread further. Even though medical specialists have thoroughly studied the complicated process of childbirth, there are a number of unknown aspects. In most cases, the services that provide the opportunity to select the gender of a child cannot guarantee the sex of the baby and are not able to identify the physical and mental state of the child. In such a way, the sex selection is still not sufficiently developed. Besides, it proved to be not safe enough. Parents should also consider the consequences of this procedure, as the PGD methods not only interfere with the natural process, but they may also ruin the fragile formation of a parent-child relationship. There are numerous possible consequences of the sex selection procedure for the families and the world’s population in general. The dream of a perfect child does not always come true and does not depend on the gender of a child. How much will it cost to solve the problem and fix what is not right? What should be taken into account is the fact that the gender choice deals with a child’s life. It is a choice that is not to be made from an ethical point of view. And it is the duty of every parent not to follow the trend of sex selection, but to ignore it so as not to interfere with the natural process.

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