Sex selection essay

One  ethical issue arises as there is already an approach of sex selection, that has obtained consent and that few object to: sperm sorting. Nowadays, it is probable to sort sperm in two groups, those which will create male children and those which will give female children. The approach is not, nevertheless, as dependable as checking a resulting embryo.

So, some people think if the fundamental idea of sex selection is moral, then it would be not ethical to merely offer an inferior approach of doing it. Other people, however, see a crucial ethical dissimilarity between the two approaches, noting sperm sorting does not result in removal of “possible children.” This appears quite an insincere objection, at least coming from any person involved in the evolvement of embryos for the fertility cure. Why? As they at all times develop more “possible children” than it is required, which automatically results in some which may merely be discarded as they are not required. If someone actually is bothered by “possible children” being discarded, then they should object to the fertility treatments absolutely.

Advantages of the Sex Selection

Some scholars, for instance, Brent Waters believe that the most crucial advantage of the gender selection is the ability to avoid certain genetic illnesses. This may, in fact, be more of an advantage than people think of at first. Specific characteristics are passed down through sex based sides of a family. If the mother of a future child had cervical cancer and the wife’s mother had that illness it would be very smart to consider having a son and not a daughter. Also, more and more, due to the stem cell research, some families are having kids to save one sibling of a certain sex that requires medical help. At times it is not merely a kid but a parent (Waters 84-97).

The gender selection allows the family to determine the size of a family. Lots of different couples dream of having two or three kids. And as far as I know many people wish to have at least one boy and one girl. With sex selection, these couples may have that. There is also the economic point of view. For people that have kids close together, it may be economically beneficial to have the same sex offspring. One more child could wear the older child’s clothes, for instance. Also, when people know the gender of their future child, they have more time to prepare for that baby.

Depending on the nation parents may wish to avoid a certain sex for lawful limitations or to sincerely spare a kid from an unhappy living in very gender biased culture. In so many cultures around the globe females are aborted, murdered, or left to pass away due to the (hypothetical) low value. This is a real trouble in Africa and India. India has passed administration banning abortion in some cases due to gender of the fetus (Waters 84-97).

Some families utilize the sex selection to be certain that a family lineage will preserve. Family names are traced through a man’s side in most cases and so to be certain a name survives it would be smart to guarantee at least one son. Also at times parents want to allow some relative or a close friend to know the gender (and possibly name) of a child if that individual may not live long enough to see the baby. If someone’s father was passing away and family wished to pass his name on, being capable to select a boy would allow the parents to fulfill the dream.

The Early Beginnings of Gender Selection

According to J. Elliott, since time immemorial humans have hoped to impact the sex of own kids (Elliott 1219-20). Whether they are attempting for a boy or a girl, for millennia parents have tried to influence what gender the future offspring would be. From moon phases and magic totems to the difficult rituals of timing intercourse utilized by many people even nowadays, there is no limit to what parents will do if they want to have a baby of a certain sex. There have been legends and teachings in each corner of the globe about what might work to create a male or female baby.

Historically, the first choice had been for male children, for lots of grounds: economics, survival, legal aims and superstitions. Some females were also motivated by superstitions and social pressure to give birth to boys. In various cultures a woman’s entire worth was dependent on whether she could provide the family with boys. Under the circumstances, it is easy to understand why historically females wished to impact the children’s sex and why people created different customs to try to make a difference. The gender of offspring had an amazing influence on couples’ lives, and even today still does in some nations. It is at the heart of the legal, social, and economic motivations, which have driven humans to attempt to select the sex of the children, even from the early-historical times (Elliott 1219-20). That is why I personally consider the advanced methods of sex selection a perfect way to give birth to a child that will be happy according to his or her parents’ opinion. Besides, even without the advanced medical approaches to the sex selection people will still utilize the traditional methods to influence the baby’s gender.


The gender selection is the issue relevant to all people; the impact on future generations rests on the decisions humans make nowadays. Till recently, sex selection was merely accessible to couples already experiencing the fertility treatments. With success of the PGD approach, the increasing quantity of fertility clinics is opening the procedure to everybody. Financial considerations and convenience are the only obstacles facing couples who want to specifically plan the families. And as health technology advances further, choosing the sex of a child may become even simpler.

In some nations gender selection is illegal unless performed for medical grounds, such as the parents having some genetic sex-related illness that they do not want to pass onto a baby. In the USA and some European nations, gender selection for personal grounds and family balancing is allowed. It means couples who have at least one baby of the same sex can choose for a baby of the opposite sex to harmonize the family unit.

Moral concerns counting the eugenics are part of the general equation when considering the pros and cons of sex selection. Sex selection is not only one factor comprised in eugenics, but it is one that may considerably influence the society. Some people assert that major concern is that the gender selection approaches could lead to an uncontrollably twisted amount of men and women in society, resulting in the misery and public unrest. The relative amount of daughters to sons has already lessened in China, where the abortion may be utilized as a sex selection instrument. Yes, these concerns should not be ignored. However, the sex selection provides many individuals with huge benefits. It allows people to be (in a way) confident in the health and happy living of their children. Sometimes people fear to have kids as they can pass on own illnesses, or these kids will experience huge troubles due to their (possible) inferiority in some nations. Sex selection is also beneficial from the economic point of view and in addition, it allows the family to preserve their family name. That is why I am confident that sex selection should be allowed and encouraged in all countries all over the world.

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